baru 2hari iphone4 s diperkenalkan kepada dunia. Hari ni, pengasas Syarikat Gergasi Apple mengehembuskan nafas beliau yang terakhir akibat cancer pankreas. Steve Job meletak jawatan sebagai CEO Apple pada Ogos lalu atas masalah kesihatan.
Apple has confirmed that former CEO and Apple Founder Steve Jobs has passed away today, at the age of 56. Jobs has battled a rare form of pancreatic cancer for the last several years and sadly, he lost that battle today. Many of you will remember Jobs resigning from Apple back in August and the reason for that resignation has become painfully clear now.
Apple released the following statement:
“We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.”
In our current tech scene, there is an every day struggle between iOS and Android; closed vs open; Apple vs Google. But in light of today’s sad news, we hope that everyone can take a moment to reflect on the scope and gravity of what has happened and put those differences to the side, if only for a moment. Regardless of which side of the tracks you call home, Steve Jobs gave more to this industry than just about any other individual ever has and the legacy he leaves behind him is immeasurable.
We, too, are deeply saddened by today’s unhappy events and our greatest sympathies go out to Steve’s family, friends and colleagues. Plainly put, without Steve Jobs and his unparalleled innovation, passion and leadership, there would be no Android for us to report upon and our current tech scene would be a desperately barren place by comparison. For that we are eternally in his debt.
We encourage anyone who is interested to write rememberingsteve@apple.com to share your memories, thoughts and reflections. Today is a sad day for our entire industry and we send our condolences out to all who are affected by these sad tidings.
Laman utama Apple diletakkan dengan penghargaan kepada pengasas syarikat tersebut di muka hadapan.
1 comment
dah tua dah pon. xpelah. semoga roh dia tenang :)
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